大家好,我們是寅心閣有限公司tigerheartstudio,歷經三年的努力不懈,終於推出自己的自創品牌玩具,所羅門王機動魔偶系列,第一彈: 九劍。全高30公分,合金關節,採用epoxy、hei-cast及其它樹脂,全身有10處可動關節,由本公司自行設計、研發、製造,具有獨到的外形,前衛且不失霸氣,希望大家會喜歡。^^"
在架空的奇幻世界裡,所羅門王憑一已之力收服72支魔神,當他沉浸在72魔神的魔法恩惠,感受天地間大自然的智慧的同時確意外發現,真正人類的危機才正要開始 ....因為魔神之力 ,所羅門王很清楚的知道敵方的底細 它們是來自遙遠的星之彼端。貪得無厭的次元生物,它們的存在象徵著混亂、無序、殺戮、貪婪,外形各異,最常見的就是血盆大口加觸手,就像是一團雜亂無章的黑色肉塊 張著大嘴 四處捕食人類 故稱其為混沌....。
所羅門王知曉危機將至,於是動手打造強而有力的士兵與之抗衡,因為混沌的體型龐大,人類可能難以為敵,所以,所羅門王才會想到以無機質兵器與之對抗,於是以魔偶(golem)做為原型,加上72支魔神的權能和知識,打造出奇幻世界中超前端兵器: 機動魔偶。
一般的魔偶,大多用土塊,石塊,或冰塊,加以術式及魔力,合成出暫時或非暫時性的人形兵器,或者是在迷宮地下城中,自然產生的魔偶,而機動魔偶不同的點在於其製造過程所用的術式都來自72支魔神的魔法權能,動力方面更是用精鍊的魔晶石做為動力源,材質更是使用鼎鼎大名的秘銀,加上特殊的魔導金屬,共同鍊製而成的秘銀魔導合金,所有相關的技術 知識 都源自於偉大的72支魔神。
In the fantasy world of imagination ,King Solomon defeated 72 demons by himself alone . When he immersed in the graces from the 72 demons and felt the wise of nature among universe,he found the really threatens and crises were just coming...King Solomon exactly knows what they are 'cause of the powers from the demons. They are greedy creatures in another dimension from opposite of stars, far far away from milky way . Their existence symbolizes chaos ,anarchy,murder,and greed. They have many life forms, the most usual shape of theirs is having messy fangs in a bloody mouth with tentacles . Like a disorganized corpse with a big mouth and fangs hunting human beings as a hell hound. So called CHAOS. King Solomon realizes the end game is soon, he begins to build powerful soldier to fight against them .It is very difficult for human beings to defeat CHAOS ,'cause their size is pretty huge , that's why the king decides to use inorganic warrior as leverage. Then he chooses golem as prototype,combines the magical powers and mysterious knowledge to build super cutting-edge weapons,the MOTOR GOLEM. The normal golem we have known is made by rocks ,mud,or ice, using magic circle and MANA,creating a temporary or non ephemeral arms that has human's look like, or we meet it in a dungeon which was born by nature. The differences of MOTOR GOLEM are the magical technique in the process of manufacture all come from 72 demons ' graces , the energy parts even use the refined magical crystals as power source, the material of MOTOR GOLEM is a kind of alloy fused by unique magical steel and the most famous metal in a fantasy story,the Mithril. And all the techniques ,all the inconceivable know hows,they all come from the great magical lords ,the 72 demons. So, this kind of MOTOR GOLEM is almost a game cheater in the fantasy world ,it's so awesome ,incredible,and unstoppable, but only the person
who is kind can owe it and use it. King Solomon builds numerous golem in his life,his efforts and legacy were all saved and stored by a spacial way in a spacial space named 72, and waiting for the someone spacial.
所羅門王機動魔偶--九劍,為眾多機偶中,能力值最為一般,對使役者的負擔較輕,可以說是機偶中的基本款,所以創造者才會給予九劍眾多的武器好因應各種不同的戰局,九劍,故名思意它有九把劍,並不是一開始就可以使用所有的武器 而是經過一次又一次的歷練,武器庫回應其成長,解鎖一把又一把獨創的專用武器,伴隨著使役者的奮鬥以及機偶的戰鬥,兩者共同成長 一場場驚心動魄的歷險就此展開。
MOTOR GOLEM OF KING SOLOMON --NINE-SWORD is the basic type in king Solomon's works. It won't make much burden to user ,and its fighting status is also normal, so the creator makes many weapons for it to deal with any kinds of situation. NINE-SWORD which means it has nine swords. It doesn't mean it can use all the swords at very first time, it has to win the fight over and over again, then the system response its victory ,and unlock the unique weapons one by one .With the user's efforts and the Golem's battle, learning each other and fighting together,a epic adventure will be opened.
機動魔偶-九劍 第一武具 炎進 在設計上為騎士與劍士所使用的片手劍,在其另一側則是藏有一把短劍,當短劍離開主劍身時,另一個劍身的凹槽則會噴射出熊熊聖火,聖火的功能除了可以消除來自混沌散發出的瘴氣外,還可以借由噴射的火勢加大斬擊的力量。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD. The first weapon ,Engine,a one-handed swords for knights or sword mans in appearance, and there is a hidden shorter sword in the other side.when the shorter one is taken off from the groove,the groove will spurt burning Bright holy flames out,the holy flames can't only eliminate the miasma from CHAOS ,but also can boost the power of slashing by spurting flames.
機動魔偶 九劍 第二武具 血劍 修長的劍身配上鋒利無比的劍鋒,配上透著殺氣的血紅色,猶如殺敵無數,從血淋淋的戰場歸來的劍士。這把有如紳士手中的西洋劍,有著特殊的能力..修長且鋒利的劍身可以輕鬆的刺入鱗片和外殼間的縫細,直接對敵方的臟器或內部動力源造成致命的傷害,劍身深紅的塗料中含有魔神之血 一旦觸碰到會造成出血的現象,劍鞘上的藍色寶石具有加速的功能,可以大大提升攻擊速度,另外一顆綠色的寶石具附毒的功能,血劍有著不俗的外型,但實則為相當致命的武器,試想: 血劍以極高的速度刺出,柔軟細長的劍身由敵方的外殼間隙刺入軀體且直接傷到主要臟器,例如: 心臟、動脈...等..絕大部份的敵人在此時早已斃命,而後綠色寶石開始附毒,毒液隨著血液留向全身,這時,劍身由傷者體內抽出,從患處開始大量出血....直至氣絕死亡.....一氣呵成,以最有效率的方式打倒對手,只要運用得宜,幾乎沒有對手能活著逃離血劍的攻擊。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the second weapon ,SCARLET,the slender shape and a very sharp top ,with blood-red scarlet,like a sword man killing tons enemies back from bloody and cruel battle field. This sword like a rapier from a gentleman has spacial skills ...The long and sharp blade can stab into enemy's body with ease from the slit between scales,and directly cause deadly damage to organs or inner power source.The blood-red coating on blade contains demon's blood,it can cause hemorrhage once you touch.On the scabbard,there are two beautiful gems,the blue one can greatly accelerate the speed of attacking,and green one has a function of poisoning.SCARLET is original and elegant,but actually it is very deadly weapon.Try to imagine it: NINE-SWORD attacks with SCARLET in impossible speed ,the slender and soft blade stabs into enemy's body from the slit between scales to damage important organs ex:heart or arteries ,most of enemies die at this moment , then the green gem starts poising,toxin will follow the blood flow and go everywhere in their body, finally NINE-SWORD pulls SCARLET out, massive bleeding form the wound till target die...Smoothly in one step, killing monsters in the most efficient way.As long as using appropriately ,no one can run away from SCARLET alive.
機動魔偶 九劍 第三武具 逆火 它可以說是所有戰士都想得到的珍稀武器,它是一面盾,在內惻藏有一把片手劍,盾本身可以用以防禦敵方的攻擊,除此之外,它還有一個相當優秀的功能,就是在抵擋他人攻擊時,它可以將所受的攻擊傷害吸收並轉為能量儲存至內惻的劍上,並且在使用劍攻擊時,可以將所累積儲存的能量一併釋放給敵方,看似防守 實質進攻,可稱的上是攻防合一,不可多得的神兵利器。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the third weapon ,COUNTER FIRE,it can be said the most wanted rare weapon for every soldier. It is a shield ,there is a one handed sword inside it,and it can defense all attack from enemies as a shield .Except the usual function of shield, it also has a pretty excellent skill ,which is it can take and absorb the energy from attack , then save the energy into the sword inside it ,and the sword will release the energy to enemy when golem use it to attack.On the surface,it seems like defense,but in fact the counterattack is the real play.It can be called attack-defense integrating,and the most impressive war treasure ever.
機動魔偶 九劍 第四武具 破甲 在介紹這個武器之前,我們先來談談混沌這種生物 ,混沌來自另一個次元,和地球上的生物一般,在經過長時間的進化與自然淘汰後,也演化成許多不同的類型,這點也符合生物多樣性的原則,在所羅門王與混沌交戰的期間就發現一種極為棘手的類型,它有如犰狳一般,全身上下都有堅硬的外殼包覆,外殼間幾乎沒有縫隙,攻擊的時候會將自己裹成球狀,對於任何人來說都是惡夢的存在,尤其混沌的體型龐大,當它一滾起來,根本就像一顆無所不摧巨石,讓人束手無策...,基於此,所羅門王才會著手開發這個第四武具-破甲,破甲是極為單純且粗暴的武器,參考的依據就是重戰士們使用的大劍及重劍 大劍類型的武器本來就是可以只憑一擊就足以粉碎對方的盾牌和盔甲,而這把破甲就是基於此用途而被製造出來的,以厚實且沉重的劍身加上由魔法加持的銳利度 完全可以對付所有生物的外殼,無論多厚多硬,只要一擊,就可以連甲帶肉一分為二,實現一擊必殺,一刀兩斷的夢幻效率。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the forth weapon,ARMOR BREAKER. Before we introduce this weapon,let's talk about the creature,CHAOS. They come from the other dimension, after million years natural selection ,they can also evolve into many sorts of life forms.In the period of wars to CHAOS, king Solomon found one kind of types, which has hard and solid shell full of its body like a armadillo ,and there is no slit on its shells.It curls like a ball while it attacks, 'cause of its huge size,it almost like a huge invincible rock once it starts rolling,that is complete a nightmare for everyone ,and there is nothing we can do about it.. According to this reason ,King Solomon decides to develop the forth weapon,ARMOR BREAKER.
ARMOR BREAKER is a particularly pure and rough weapon. It's based on a heavy sword from heavy fighters,heavy sword is a sort of weapon which can smash enemy's shield and armor in one shot, and ARMOR BREAKER is made for this purpose. The thick and heavy blade plus sharpness blessed by magic can completely deal with any kind of shells from any creatures,no matter how thick and hard the shell is, ARMOR BREAKER can chop it apart ,and accomplish the fantastic efficiency of one shot kill.
機動魔偶 九劍 第五武具 盾噬者 隨著戰事的升溫,魔偶和其使役者也開始遭遇到各式各樣的混沌,只有更怪沒有最怪....,在介紹第五武具之前,先說說這次要針對的類型吧。
相信各位在很多電影或是動畫中經常看到一種特殊的防禦技巧,通常能力較高的對象所使用的一種"看不見的護盾" ,也就是所謂的力場,或稱為防護罩,很不巧的,某類型的混沌也會使用這種技能,這種力場是用一般的蠻力無法突破的,所以才會有第五武具的誕生...,盾噬者,是採用一種可以干擾力場頻率的魔法礦石所製成,將其礦石採集到一定的數量後,以魔法精鍊而成,可以看見,盾噬者本身除了手柄的部位以外,並沒有其它金屬結構,直接以大片的魔法結晶作為武器 唯一的目的就是在於擊潰讓人棘手的防護力場,這種魔法礦石結晶重量偏重且經由魔法提升其堅軔度及銳利度,在斬殺敵方有一定效果,雖說是重劍它更像是一把斧頭.. 以九劍的力量,將盾噬者重重舉起,劈向敵方的頭部,精鍊的魔晶石劍身可以輕鬆的粉碎對方的力場,而後盾噬者沉重且銳利的劍身將直接砍在敵方的血肉上,突破重圍,斬殺敵軍,絕不給敵方第二次的機會。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the fifth weapon SHIELD CRUSHER. As the tension of war,golem and users encounter various types of chaos, there is no the uncanniest but only much more uncannier one .. Let's talk about CHAOS we point against this time. We think many people know there is a kind of ability on defense, which is a invisible shield used by higher level ones,so called force field or barrier. Unfortunately some kinds of CHAOS can also have the ability that can't be broken by physical strength,and that's the reason for making SHIELD CRUSHER. It's made by some sort of magical mineral which can interfere the frequency of force field. Mining thousand tons of the magical mineral,and refining them to become the blade.We can see there is no other metallic structure except the handle,and using the crystal part as weapon directly. The only one purpose is crushing the tricky barrier! The crystal of the magical mineral is heavier ,the toughness and the sharpness are also increased by magic ,and hasing particular efficiency on killing enemies. It's more like a axe then a sword !Being raised by NINE-SWORD's strength,chopping to the enemy's head ,the crystal blade crushing barrier with ease,then the heavy and sharp blade hacking on enemy's flesh,breaking through and defeating enemies, and no second chance for them!
機動魔偶 九劍 第六武具 矢追 混沌的種類繁多,為了打勝仗人類們也做相當多特殊的武器,矢追在設計上主要針對飛行類的敵人,並且有偵查的功能,矢追有兩種模式,第一種為矢模式,也就是飛行模式 由九劍和使用者控制,矢追在前端裝有可以發射魔彈的魔晶石,在機腹的位置裝備有一具可以發射鏢槍的炮台,鏢槍可以用魔法進行補充,在飛行模式,矢追可以自動對敵方進行攻擊,輔助戰鬥。 第二種為劍模式,就是變成劍為九劍所使用,矢追最大的特色在於,可以在兩種模式之間切換自如,以劍的模式揮舞於戰場,下一秒可以立即將其拋向空中轉為矢模式,也可以在飛行的時候,立即轉為劍模式突襲敵方,擁有極高的自由度 變化莫測,且妙用無窮。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the sixth weapon ,ARROW CHASER. For victories ,human bings make so many unique weapons,ARROW CHASER is made for the enemies which can fly,and it also can investigate. ARROW CHASER has two modes: The mode no.1 is arrow mode, which means can fly as drone controlled by NINE-SWORD and user. There is a magical crystal on the snout which can fire magical bullets, a set of fort on the belly that can shoot darts, and the darts can charge with magic. In flying mode ,ARROW CHASER can automatically fire as an assistant in battle field. The mode no.2 is sword mode,transforming into a sword used by NINE-SWORD. The feature of ARROW CHASER is shifting between two modes freely. As a sword wielded in fighting , and being thrown to the air then shift to arrow mode in very next second. It can also change into sword mode while it' flying ,and then strikes to enemy. Hasing an absolutely high freedom to use, with unpredictable magical function, and marvelous effect unlimited.
機動魔偶 九劍 第七武具 弦月 它可以說是人類所打造的魔偶武器中數一數二強的 ,也是人類在武器工藝上重大的突破,在奇幻世界裡,有一種武器是所有男人們的夢想,就是能量型刀劍,以光或能量成為耀眼的劍身,重量輕盈且威力十足,弦月就是以其作為基礎所打造的魔偶兵器,以高壓的能量束合成刀身,高熱高密集的能量輸出,足以切斷任何物體,弦月除了是能量武器外,還有附加一個夢幻劍技,也就是"弧月劍氣斬",它的本體在外觀上有一個盒型的劍鞘,鞘中有一特殊的能量寶石可以為劍身本體充能,當能量足夠的時候,九劍就可以使用"弧月劍氣斬";劍身以高速抽出劍鞘,向敵方的位置揮去,充滿能量的劍身會隨著離心力釋放出一個弧月型的能量波動朝著敵方飛去,速度極快,威力極強,射程,最高可達到600公尺,且根據不同的揮舞方式還可延申出各種不同的劍技和效果,當劍身回到劍鞘則繼續充能,等待下一波出擊,弦月是相當優秀的武器,缺點就是充能需要一點點時間,另一點就是會對使用者造成部份的負擔....。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD the seventh weapon ,LUNAR,it can be said the one of the best weapon that humans make for golems,and it's also a breakthrough on the craft of making arms. In fantasy world , there is a kind of weapon which is a dream for every man ,the energy blade, the bright energy becoming a shining blade,light weight, and powerful as well. The energy blade is the blue print of LUNAR for golem, the blade consisting of high pressure energy, mega-thermal and high-density energy output can almost cut everything. Except for a energy blade ,LUNAR has a fantastic sword-craft,LUNAR SLASH,a powerful sword beam emission.In appearance, it has a suitcase-shape scabbard,and there is a unique magical gem inside which can charge for the blade. When energy is full, NINE-SWORD will be ready for showing LUNAR SLASH.The blade's pulled and wielded to enemy with high speed, it will release a crescent-shape energy wave with full power flying to enemies by centrifugal force, it's particularly fast and extremely destructive ,and the maximum effective range is up to 600m. LUNAR can also derive several effects and sword-crafts from different way to use. Being Back to scabbard and charge continually,then waiting for next wave to strike. LUNAR is an excellent weapon ,but it still has disadvantages ,one is charging takes a little time,and the other is it will be a little bit burden to users.
機動魔偶 九劍 第八武具 止戈 經過一場又一場的戰鬥,人類發現混沌竟也有階級制度,之前所遇到的敵人大多是單獨行動,較少遇到以集團為單位行動的混沌,集團中,必定有一至兩位是屬於較高階層的,將軍級別或者是隊長級別,他們可以有效的組織兵卒並且有系統的管理及下達命令,這樣的敵人,可謂是災難級的存在,所以需要更強大的武器..以第七武具--弦月,作為出發點,打造更強且多功能的能量武器,不僅強悍且更具震懾力的裝備,這便是止戈的製造目標,止戈為更高級別的能量武器,它有三種模式,模式1: 權杖模式,當九劍召喚止戈時,它會從天空落下,直直的墜落,與地面接觸的瞬間,會隨著場域散發一股放射狀的廣域衝擊波,可暫時癱瘓半徑600m內的敵軍,這時,釋放完衝擊波的止戈會處於待機狀態,飄浮在空中,無需魔偶扶持,魔偶和使用者可選擇繼續釋放衝擊波或是進行下一階段,所謂的下一階段,就是止戈的模式二和模式三,模式二: 劍模式 這時的止戈會自行拆解,手柄的部位展開而形成一把長形的能量劍身,模式三:盾模式,除了手柄以外的劍身和劍鞘則會重新組合成一個框形的能量浮游護盾,且無需用手拿握,自然的飄浮於魔偶的周身,可經由九劍或使用者操作,任意的飄向所需要的位置進行防禦,三種模式都完成後,就是開始肅清戰場的時候,而敵人仍處於癱瘓的狀態....任由我方宰割...,在止戈面前,任何集團都將潰不成軍,這就是為什麼它名為止戈,如此完美的武器自然有缺點,那就是對於魔偶的使用者會造成多一點的負擔.....。
MOTOR GOLEM--NINE-SWORD ,the eighth weapon ,WAR ENDER. After battles and battles, humans discover that CHAOS also has hierarchy surprisingly , most of enemies we meet before always act alone, in less chance they act and move in a group, there are one or two higher level CHAOS in a crew ,they are the leader or the general,and which can organize pawns and give instructions systematically. This kind of CHAOS is a totally disaster for human bings.So we need more powerful weapons!! Based on the seventh weapon,LUNAR, humans try to make much more powerful energy weapons , not only strong but also has a great deterrent to enemies ,and that is the goal for WAR ENDER. As a higher class energy weapon ,it has three modes, mode no.1 the scepter mode, when NINE-SWORD summons WAR ENDER , it will fall from the sky to the earth directly , in very moment, it will release a wide rang of
radial shock wave,which can paralyze enemies temporary within a 600m radius .After releasing shock wave, WAR ENDER will maintain standby state, floating
in the air ,and no needs for taking or handling. Golem and user can choose releasing shock wave continually or proceeding to the next stage.So called
next is the mode no.two and mode no.three .Mode no.two is the sword mode, the handle will disassemble by itself and transform into a long energy blade.
Mode no.three is the shield mode,the scabbard and the rest of parts will combine together to be a energy barrier bit with a frame, and no needs for talking or handling controlled by NINE-SWORD or user ,and defensing in anywhere you command. After the operations of three modes,it's time to clean the battle field ,and enemies are still in paralysis on our chopping block without mercy from us!! There is no army can stand in front of it,that's why it's called WAR ENDER!!
So perfect weapon as WAR ENDER still has disadvantage which can make much more burden to user.
機動魔偶 九劍 第九武具 弒君者 九劍的最強武器,目的在於打倒敵方boss級的帝王或是女王,混沌具有階級制度,自然有王或女王的存在,之前遇過將軍級別,遇到女王級別也遲早的事,通常女王級別的都是伴隨著整個巢穴和大量的混沌幼體一起出現,通常,發現巢穴意味著危險,因為有可能在下一秒就會被成千上百的混沌包圍,然後團滅...但是極大的可能是意外進入了巢穴的範圍,那麼 眼前只有兩個選擇, 一: 快逃..以最快的速度撤退,二: 戰到底,要有心理準備同歸於盡...,弒君者,在覺醒止戈後便會順便解鎖,因為系統了解接下來遭遇女王級的機率極高,所以弒君者有一個危險的設定,就是一旦遭遇女王級別及大量的混沌群,九劍可以主動使用並且無需使用者同意,在一定的程度上也可以反駁使用者的命令,強行使用弒君者,因為保護使用者為當前最重要的任務,弒君者可以說既是九劍最強的也是最危險的武器,因為下一秒,九劍將暫時性地和女王同歸於盡...,一旦九劍判斷情勢危險,使用者有喪命的可能時,九劍將主動使用弒君者 這時,使用者的腦海中會浮現九劍與之告別的話語: "我們要暫時分開一陣子了 這段期間還請您要多保重....," 瞬間,使用者會被傳送到最安全且不會受到波及的場所,隨後,弒君者登場.. ,以模式一 : 推進器模式,讓九劍升空至某特定的高度,而後,模式二: 雙刃劍模式,這時弒君者會展開變成兩柄大型超能光劍,並且結合為一組巨大的超能雙刃劍,這時,九劍會注入部份使用者的魔力及所有自身所有的能量,與弒君者融合成一團高熱的火球,隨後便使用九劍背後的推進器噴射並且高速向下俯衝,直取女王及巢穴,高溫能量加上九劍自身的重量,重力加速度加上超能光劍的威力,形成一個大規模毀滅性武器,宛若一顆無堅不摧,熊熊燃燒的末日慧星,直直墜向地平線的盡頭,誓要燃盡所有的邪惡 誓要折斷惡之王的榮耀與驕傲..。
接下來九劍便會與所有範圍內的混沌一起承受所有的高熱及能量衝擊,高溫會將範圍內的混沌連同女王燒成灰燼,超高能量會巢穴夷為平地,但身處風暴中心的九劍也會身受重傷,面臨摧毀的命運,然而所有的魔偶,都有一個隱藏功能,就是當受到重大損傷時,會被強制召回那特殊的場所: 72號..。在那裡,魔偶們會得到充分的維修與保養,即便是幾近毀滅的機身,都可以在此得到最完善的修復,本來以72魔神的睿智所創造的魔偶就具有極高的自我修復能力,一旦修復完成,魔偶們會以最快的速度直奔使用者的身邊,再與之並肩作戰...,"所以請您一定要保重好,我很快就會再回來...^^..."。
MOTER GOLEM--NINE-SWORD ,KING SLAYER,the most powerful one to NINE-SWORD,for killing the boss level like kings or queens .CHAOS has hierarchy, they have king or queen for sure. We met the general before ,then we will meet the queen soon. Usually,the queen shows up with great numbers of CHAOS 's larvae and entire nest. Finding a nest which means danger!! because it possible being surrounded by thousands of CHAOS, then game over..But it still has chance to get into the range of nest by totally accident, so there are two options for you, option one is run ,retreat as fast as possible, option two is fight to the end,and get mentally prepared for death with CHAOS. KING SLAYER is unlocked in very soon after WAR ENDER., 'cause system knows you may meet the queen in very high probability next.So KING SLAYER has a dangerous setup ,which is once user meet the queen or massive enemies,NINE-SWORD can use KING SLAYER indicatively without agreements from user, also being able to deny the orders to some extent and forcibly using KING SLAYER , 'cause the user's safety is the most important mission now .KING SLAYER can be said the most powerful and the most dangerous weapon ,'cause NINE-SWORD is gonna die together with the queen in very next second .Once NINE-SWORD judges the circumstance is deadly ,which means the user could probably die ,and NINE-SWORD can use KING SLAYER indicatively .At this moment, there will be a message in user's mind form NINE-SWORD for saying goodbye..."We are gonna separate for a while, please take care of yourself".. .Instantaneously, the user will be teleported to the safest place which won't be affected,and then KING SLAYER shows up..By mode no.1 ,thruster mode,NINE-SWORD will blast off to designated height ,and then mode no.2, double blade mode, transforming into a pair of hyper energy blades , which combine together becoming a hyper energy double blade. Then NINE-SWORD will put it's all energy and parts of user's MANA into KING SLAYER , NINE-SWORD and KING SLAYER will burn together as a fusion fireball. And swooping down in high speed with the thruster on back,to strike the queen and nest. With high temperature,weights of NINE-SWORD,gravitational acceleration,and powers of hyper energy blade ,becoming a weapon of mass destruction. As a invincible burning comet in apocalypse ,fall to the end of horizon, vowing to burn all vices ,and vowing to fracture the honor and the proud of evil queen's. Afterwards, NINE-SWORD will take the all high temperature and shock wave with CHAOS in the range, the high temperature will burn CHAOS and the queen into ash ,and the hyper energy will raze the nest to the ground. But,in the center of storm, NINE-SWORD is damaged very seriously,and it has to face the result of breaking down.However,all of golems have a hidden function, which is golem will be summoned back to the special place,the 72, once it has major damage.In there ,golem will get the adequately repair and maintenance even it almost broken down and crushed.It goes without saying that golems have remarkable function of self-repairing, once it completes, golems will back to users as fast as possible and fight side by side with them together.."So please take care , I shell be back soon....^^...."
所羅門王機動魔偶系列第一彈: 九劍
全高 30公分 合金關節
材質: epoxy 、hei-cast 及其它樹脂
純手工 可動雕像
狀態: 塗裝完成品
30 cm,a pure movable statue ,handicrafts Finished product with metal joints
配件: 九組武器 台座 支撐架x4 手部x6
All fittings and weapons sold together !!!!!!!!!!!!
售價 : 新台幣 44000 下訂後請於3日內匯足全款 否則視同放棄 謝謝^^"
Please make full payment in 3 days after your order,or it will be canceled.
國外地區使用paypal 購買 以當時匯率計價
The price in USD is paid by PayPal, the actual price is subject to the price presented by PayPal.
預購日期 2023/ 8/ 27 pm 20:00
pre-order date 2023/ 8/ 27 pm 20:00
出貨日期 2024/ 9月
delivery date 2024/ 9
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