【玩具人Scott Austin投稿】Predator與HellBoy愛的改造!

玩具人Scott Austin熱情與我們分享他的玩具改造。玩具買來就是要盡情的玩啊!可別放在盒子裡,玩具可是會哭泣的喔~!

【玩具人Scott Austin投稿】Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/scott.austin.9400?ref=tn_tnmn

 作品一:Pharaoh Predator

這件作品原本是NECA Series 7 的 Falconer Predator,一時心血來潮經過幾天的構思與塗裝,呈現出另一種風格,命名為Pharaoh Predator。除了一些塗繪以外,特別在頭盔與右大腿護甲處加上Predator的文字,想要表達的是Falconer跟Warrior。另外,頭盔上的紅外線有點了紅點做出效果,髮飾亦有上金漆修飾。


After countless of furious battles, Falconer has evolved. Now, he has become one of the most respectable predators, and was bequeathed a golden sword from the elders. The flying creature and Falconer’s armor have been highly improved according to the experiences of his hunts. Golden decorations and three red belts are symbols of his pride and great prestige. None of these will fade out during the camouflage. And for those who see his golden symbol shall be afraid. It is him the golden warrior has the name of Pharaoh Falconer.



一直以來我都有想要蒐集各刺青師作品的夢想,但在現實環境的不容許下,我選擇安分的欣賞。不管是何種風格,我一直對這門藝術為之驚嘆!直到某天看著Mezco HellBoy 突發奇想,Why not? 從構圖到執筆花了我約莫兩個禮拜的時間完成,在trial and error中我找到了不少樂趣。左臂的部落刺青結合了日式家徽圖騰,象徵天地山河。後背則呈現美式風格,以打霧襯托光芒與文字藝術”Poetry is in Battle”。兩手臂分別以古英體寫下”Last”與”Ride”。三位一體的圖騰象徵著聖化,並以四顆五芒星相襯。最後,以右臂的黑桃做結束。這次的Project是非常好的經驗,我想往後我也會多嘗試不同風格的”刺青”,並且尋覓各種不同的組合!
